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Dr Tass Skin and Cosmetic clinics won “Best Aesthetic Practise Victoria 2016.”
The prestigious MyFaceMyBody Awards is the largest and most internationally recognized awards program recognizing and rewarding aesthetic practices and brands for their customer service excellence. The awards are attended by hundreds of leading industry professionals, brands, journalists and celebrities every year and has always been a great opportunity to raise money for a well deserved charity.
Clinic awards are shortlisted based on consumer votes. Finalists are judged based on their online entries and supporting evidence and each finalist is professionally mystery shopped at their practice where a detailed 12 page report is reviewed.
How is this category be judged?
The shortlist is created based on the number of votes received from the patients, industry peers and suppliers. The winner is decided based on the result of a full Customer Service Audit. During the entry process a mystery shopper visits the practice and undertakes a full consultation as any other client would. A full report from the shopper is submitted.
- Choice of location, how does the clinic meet and cater for demand in the area it has opened in?
- Well thought out practice interiors and design.
- How does the look and feel of the practice appeal to its clientele?
- An informative and educational website.
- Ethical marketing and promotions of the practice and the procedures offered.
- An excellent treatment menu with products, treatments and services that meet the demand of clients and reflect the expertise.
- Forward thinking development and management of the practice.
- Reputation.
- Excellent levels of customer service and patient care.
- Knowledgeable, well-trained and professional staff.
- A point of difference from the opposition.
- Leading the industry forward with innovative ideas.
- A minimum of one patient case study that demonstrates the results the practice provides to patients.
- Testimonials from patients.
- Evidence of the clinical expertise of the surgeons.