Thermage Laser Treatment in Melbourne: All There is to Know

Dr Tass Cosmetic & Skin Clinics offers Thermage laser treatment to lift and tighten skin. Using radio frequency, this non-surgical laser treatment stimulates the body’s natural renewal process to contour the face, eyelids, hands, neck and body. We customise the treatment to address your particular concerns, with the added benefit of minimal downtime. Read on to discover the benefits of this amazing skin tightening treatment in Melbourne.

skin tightening treatment in Melbourne

What is Thermage Laser Treatment?

Thermage laser treatment is a non-surgical, radio frequency-based procedure designed to tighten and rejuvenate the skin. By stimulating the body’s natural collagen production, it improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin. This treatment a non-invasive solution that can be applied to various areas of the face and body for a more youthful, tighter and firmer skin texture.


Who Can Benefit from This Treatment?

Thermage skin tightening is ideal for individuals with mild skin laxity who aren’t yet ready for a facelift. It’s a non-invasive, non-surgical option that delivers immediate results, plus the benefit of ongoing collagen production. Whether you want to smooth wrinkles, define facial features or enhance skin texture, Thermage can help you achieve a fresher, more youthful appearance.


What Are the Results?

Our patients typically find that, after Thermage skin tightening, their skin takes on a firmer, more youthful appearance. Their skin becomes smoother, emitting a luminous radiance. The bonus is that these results are achieved in just one appointment.


How Long Will Results Last?

One of the outstanding advantages of Thermage is its immediate results. While the full benefits may take a matter of months to become apparent, the treatment stimulates the body’s natural collagen renewal response, with continued collagen production for a couple of years after the procedure. We recommend a treatment every 2 to 5 years in order to maintain results without a facelift.


Talk To Use About Your Concerns

If you have any questions about your suitability for this skin tightening treatment in Melbourne, or any other questions, please feel free to get in touch. We tailor our treatments for each individual. You may also find that, in order for you to get the comprehensive results you’re dreaming of, one of our many other options complements your Thermage treatment. Let our team help you get the results you deserve.

Do you still have questions about Thermage skin tightening? Contact us online, call 1300DRTASS or visit one of our Melbourne clinics to make a booking with Dr Tass Cosmetic & Skin Clinics.